
Southcentral Foundation's Virtual Nuka Winter Conference

Written by Matt Doogan | Dec 14, 2021 4:00:15 PM

Southcentral Foundation is pleased to announce that registration is open for the Virtual Nuka Winter Conference! This conference is part of a winter line-up of events that includes the Virtual Nuka Winter conference, which runs from January 24-26, Introduction to Core Concepts, which runs from January 27-28, and an Integrated Care Team Webinar, which runs from January 31-February 3.

The Virtual Nuka Winter Conference offers interactive sessions on a variety of topics related to SCF’s Nuka System of Care, including but not limited to integrated care teams, behavioral health integration, culturally appropriate care, trauma-informed care, and improvement. New sessions offered in this conference include how SCF supports new generations, SCF’s Aging Well initiative, and a walkthrough of SCF’s Integrated Care Teams playbook. SCF has applied for Continuing Medical Education (CME) hours for this event.

Introduction to Core Concepts is a two-day interactive training based on principles from SCF’s internal Core Concepts training. This training teaches the communication and relationship-building skills SCF’s providers use to support customer-owners in their journey toward wellness. The training is based on the Alaska Native value of sharing story and listening to others share theirs, and is a critical component of SCF’s Nuka System of Care.

The Integrated Care Team Webinar will provide an in-depth look at how SCF’s Integrated Care Teams operate. Sessions will include Integrated Care Team member roles and responsibilities, behavioral health integration, operations and management best practices, and more.

Registration is open, so sign up for the Virtual Nuka Winter conference and associated events today! And if you have any questions about the conference or any of the events, feel free to contact the SCF Learning Institute.