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Whole System Transformation

How does SCF work together with the Native Community to achieve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness? Native Community members recall the old health care system where...

The Value of Relationship With Health Care Providers

When a customer-owner establishes a trusting, accountable and long-term relationship with a health care provider team, it will generally lead to more positive health outcomes. Healthy relationships...

Customer-Ownership Transforms Health, Wellness and Health Care Delivery

If you have ever visited or received services at SCF you’ve probably seen or heard the term “customer-owner.” SCF uses this term to describe the 65,000 Alaska Native and American Indian people...

Southcentral Foundation’s Nuka System of Care

Southcentral Foundation’s Nuka System of Care is the name given to SCF’s whole health care system created, managed and owned by Alaska Native people to achieve physical, mental, emotional and...

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