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Southcentral Foundation’s New Integrated Care Teams Training

Southcentral Foundation’s New Integrated Care Teams Training

Southcentral Foundation is pleased to announce that we will be offering an Integrated Care Teams Training on October 16-17. This is an in-person training that will be held on SCF’s campus in Anchorage, Alaska. This training has been reworked from a previous version to provide key information based on SCF’s many years of experience providing primary care services and more through multidisciplinary integrated care teams.

The training is hosted by SCF subject matter experts with direct experience in both working in and supporting integrated care teams as they provide care to customer-owners. The training covers many different aspects of integrated care teams, including:

  • Clinical flow and collaboration between disciplines
  • Change management, including how to deal with resistance to change
  • The membership, roles, and responsibilities of integrated care team members
  • How to build and maintain relationships among team members, and ensure healthy team dynamics
  • Methods for effective communication, both among team members and with customer-owners
  • Operations and logistical topics, including the collection and usage of data to support team effectiveness
  • And more

Breakfast and lunch are provided on both days of the training. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions of the trainers, both during sessions and at the end of the training. This training will be useful for health care leaders, clinical managers, operations managers, improvement personnel, and anyone else looking to learn more about implementing integrated primary care teams at their organization. 

Sign up for the Integrated Care Teams Training here. And for more information about the training, or any other aspect of SCF’s Nuka System of Care, feel free to contact the SCF Learning Institute.

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