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Southcentral Foundation’s Nuka Health Podcast

Southcentral Foundation’s Nuka Health Podcast

To document the history and operation of Southcentral Foundation’s Nuka System of Care, and to share information about how the Alaska Native community built a health care system that has been recognized worldwide for providing high-quality care, SCF has launched the Nuka Health podcast. Each episode of the podcast will go over a different aspect of SCF’s Nuka System of Care, providing insight from both the providers and care workers who operate the system, and the customer-owners who use it.

The first, Episode 0, is available at launch. This is a brief introductory episode that gives an overview of Nuka’s core principles. The episode also explains how the principle of customer-ownership transformed the system, and what changed as a result of that community-driven transformation.

Episode 1, which will release soon, takes an in-depth look at the history of health care for Alaska Native people, with perspectives from people who used the old system. It then details how SCF worked with the Native community to transform the system, and how SCF ensures that the system is maintained according the values and principles of the Alaska Native people it serves.

Both episodes feature commentary from April Kyle, SCF’s President and CEO, who speaks not only as the head of SCF, but also from her perspective as a customer-owner.

The Nuka Health podcast can be accessed here. If you have any questions about anything covered in the podcast, or any other aspect of SCF’s Nuka System of Care, feel free to contact the SCF Learning Institute.

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