Southcentral Foundation would like to thank everyone who attended the annual Nuka System of Care conference. The conference was attended by more than 130 people from around the world. In addition to attendees from the United States, people came from the United Kingdom, Canada, Norway, Australia, and New Zealand to learn about SCF’s Nuka System of Care. Attendees learned about customer-ownership, relationship-based care, integrated care, behavioral health integration, strategic planning, workforce development, and more. This year, the conference also featured in-depth sessions on SCF’s Integrated Care Teams Playbook and Behavioral Health Integration Playbook, which SCF has made available to download.
The conference was preceded by a session of SCF’s Core Concepts training, which was attended by over 70 people.
Feedback from the conference has been positive, with post-conference surveys indicating that most attendees found the conference helpful, informative, and inspiring. Many attendees stated that they would take things they learned at the conference back to their own organizations.
Following are some comments left by attendees about the conference:
“Engaging presenters were very approachable and friendly. Was very impressed with how leadership was present during conference. Showed good role modeling.”
“The cultural evening was amazing and was such an inspirational moment that brought people together from all over the world. It was full of love, heart, friendship, and celebration – the themes I take away from the whole experience.”
“Clear, kind, inspiring, positive, solution-based, inviting, detail oriented.”
“Presenters love what they do and believe in their work.”
As always when hosting the Nuka System of Care Conference, SCF appreciates the opportunity to host people from around the world and learn about their systems and their communities. If you would like information about any of the topics covered at the Nuka System of Care Conference, or any other aspects of SCF’s Nuka System of Care, feel free to contact the SCF Learning Institute.
4085 Tudor Centre Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
For information about consulting and events, please contact (907) 729-NUKA (6852) or
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For information about Southcentral Foundation’s health and wellness programs and services, please visit or call (907) 729-4955
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