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Substance Use Disorder Treatment Model

Substance use is a complex issue with many facets and a wide variety of approaches have been tried with varying degrees of success. Southcentral Foundation has developed an approach that differs...

Behavioral Health Integration Approaches

Southcentral Foundation’s Nuka System of Care emphasizes whole-person wellness. At SCF, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness are considered just as important as physical wellness, and the Nuka...

Upcoming Trainings at Southcentral Foundation

Southcentral Foundation is hosting training opportunities in late October. Come to SCF’s campus in Anchorage, Alaska and learn from subject matter experts who work in SCF’s Malcolm Baldrige...

Behavioral Health in Remote Locations

It can often be difficult to provide quality health care in remote locations, and behavioral health is no exception to this. Southcentral Foundation has a considerable amount of experience with...

SCF’s Relationship-Based Approach to Substance Use Disorders

Opioid addiction has become a major public health crisis in many parts of the United States, and people are increasingly looking to health care organizations for answers. Southcentral Foundation has...

The 5 Most Adopted Ideas From SCF’s Nuka System of Care

The high quality of care present in SCF’s Nuka System of Care has generated interest from around the world, with over 150 organizations so far learning from SCF about various aspects of Nuka....

Nuka Health Care Innovations Conference: Learning Sessions

The Nuka Health Care Innovations Conference is fast approaching! The conference will be held on October 23 rd -24 th at the Portland Art Museum in Portland, OR. The conference will offer attendees...

Cutting-Edge Behavioral Health Care

Excerpt from SCF’s 30-year Report By 1987, Southcentral Foundation (SCF) had expanded beyond its initial self-management contracts to advance in the areas of mental and behavioral health. SCF...

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