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Tag Archive for: data improvement

Operations, Satisfaction and Logistics as Clinical Quality Measures

This is a guest blog from Dr. Steve Tierney, SCF's Senior Medical Director of Quality Improvement. We have all seen the lists of the ills plaguing modern health care. All the categories of unmet...

Reducing Harm with Predictive Modeling and Impact Analysis

The effective use of data is critical in the field of health care. Southcentral Foundation has been refining and improving its data systems for many years, including establishing our Data Services...

Clinical Management Theory Part II

In Southcentral Foundation’s Nuka System of Care, health care is provided through integrated care teams consisting of a primary care provider, nurse case manager, certified medical assistant, and...

Nuka Approach to Data and Information Management Strategies

Southcentral Foundation’s Learning Institute has published a new white paper , “Nuka Approach to Data and Information Management Strategies.” This white paper details how SCF has reformed its data...

Three Key Steps to Building a Relationship-Focused Approach to Data

Being able to effectively collect, analyze, and use data is critical in the field of health care. At a population level, data can help shape organizational priorities through understanding which...

Effective Data Usage for Quality and Care Improvement

Health care organizations have more data than ever and are struggling to determine what to measure and how to use it for improvement. Data is a critical component of decision-making in health...

Nuka Health Care Innovations Conference: Learning Sessions

The Nuka Health Care Innovations Conference is fast approaching! The conference will be held on October 23 rd -24 th at the Portland Art Museum in Portland, OR. The conference will offer attendees...

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