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Tag Archive for: customer owner

Three Customer Satisfaction Measures Tracked in SCF’s Nuka System of Care

Having a good understanding of the customer experience is critical for health care organizations to more effectively make changes and improvements to the system. Although overall customer...

Reducing Harm with Predictive Modeling and Impact Analysis

The effective use of data is critical in the field of health care. Southcentral Foundation has been refining and improving its data systems for many years, including establishing our Data Services...

Encounter Optimization at Southcentral Foundation

With health care organizations under increasing pressure to reduce costs, one area that is worth examination is scheduling and logistics. Ensuring that appointments are handled as efficiently as...

Relationship-Based Care and Improved Health Outcomes

According to an article recently published by the BBC, a study conducted by the University of Exeter has revealed that patients who see the same doctor have lower death rates. The BBC writes...

Best Practices for System Transformation Part 2: Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is very important for a wide variety of organizations. Being able to chart the direction for an organization and decide how to allocate resources for the future is a critical...

Best Practices for System Transformation Part 1: Supporting Operations and Innovation

Previous articles on this blog have given an overview of how SCF transformed its system upon taking responsibility for primary care for the Alaska Native community in southern Alaska. Before,...

Community Engagement: A Key Component of Quality Health Care

Engaging customers is critically important in health care. SCF works to engage individuals and families through our relationship-based Nuka System of Care, with providers forming strong, long-term...

The Impact of Relationship-Based Care

SCF undertook a major study on relationship-based care. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether customer-owners who are empanelled (chose to be assigned) to a primary care provider...


Excerpt from SCF’s 30-year Report Southcentral Foundation (SCF) recognizes that health care is about people and relationships. Alaska Native people have always lived life in “community,”...


Excerpt from Southcentral Foundation’s 30-year Report Southcentral Foundation’s (SCF) arrangements with the Indian Health Service (IHS) to take over the entire primary care system in 1998, and...

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