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Three Steps for Strategic Planning Consulting

Southcentral Foundation’s strategic planning process operates in a continuous, year-round cycle that involves all facets of the organization. SCF’s strategic planning process contributes to the...

If-Then Tables for Continued COVID-19 Mitigation

As previously discussed on this blog , Southcentral Foundation provides its managers considerable freedom in many areas to choose the style and approach that works best for their focus area and the...

Clinical Management Theory Part II

In Southcentral Foundation’s Nuka System of Care, health care is provided through integrated care teams consisting of a primary care provider, nurse case manager, certified medical assistant, and...

Supercharge Your Team With Team Performance Training!

Southcentral Foundation’s Learning Institute is offering another session of SCF’s Team Performance Training to external organizations. The Team Performance Training is designed to help individuals...

The 5 Most Adopted Ideas From SCF’s Nuka System of Care

The high quality of care present in SCF’s Nuka System of Care has generated interest from around the world, with over 150 organizations so far learning from SCF about various aspects of Nuka....

Lessons from the Nuka Health Care Innovations Conference

Southcentral Foundation recently hosted the Nuka Health Care Innovations Conference in Portland, OR. This was the first Nuka conference held outside of Alaska, and we want to thank everyone who...

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