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Upcoming Nuka Conference: A Personal Touch to Health Care Improvement

Southcentral Foundation’s annual Nuka System of Care Conferenceis coming soon! This conference enables attendees to learn about SCF’s two-time Malcolm Baldrige Award-winning Nuka System of Care...

Southcentral Foundation’s Behavioral Health Integration Playbook

When Southcentral Foundation surveyed the Alaska Native community upon establishing the Nuka System of Care, the community identified behavioral health as one of its top needs. In an effort to make...

Southcentral Foundation at the Upcoming National Tribal Health Conference

The National Indian Health Board’s annual National Tribal Health Conference will be held from May 1-5, 2023 in Anchorage, Alaska. This conference provides an opportunity for tribal...

Tribal Health Advisory Councils: Community Leadership in Health Care

One of the core tenets of Southcentral Foundation’s Nuka System of Care, reflected in its corporate goals, is that of health care as a shared responsibility. One example of this is how at SCF,...

Fast Track: Southcentral Foundation’s Approach to Urgent Care

Emergency care is the most vital service in health care, servicing customers during critical times. In an effort to maximize access to care and minimize strain to the Emergency Department,...

Virtual Core Concepts and Nuka Conference Coming Soon

Southcentral Foundation is pleased to offer theVirtual Nuka Conference! This is a three-day conference that will be held online from February 15-17, 2023, with a session of SCF’s Introduction to...

Southcentral Foundation’s Longtime Partnerships for Ongoing Learning

Southcentral Foundation is always looking for ways to improve its Nuka System of Care. In addition to using feedback from customer-owners on how to improve service offerings, we also look at...

Tracking System Performance: SCF’s President/CEO Scorecard

Every health care system needs a method for tracking and reporting its performance over time. Data on system performance can be used for many purposes including but not limited to making...

The Administrative Support Training Program: A Long-Term Investment in the Workforce

Administrative support staff are an important part of any health care system. They are often a customer’s first point of contact with the system, and ensuring that administrative support staff are...

Southcentral Foundation at the Tribal Self-Governance Conference

Southcentral Foundation recently celebrated 40 years self-determination. Alaska Native people established SCF on March 8, 1982, under the Tribal authority of Cook Inlet Region, Inc. The vision was a...

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