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Reducing Harm with Predictive Modeling and Impact Analysis

The effective use of data is critical in the field of health care. Southcentral Foundation has been refining and improving its data systems for many years, including establishing our Data Services...

Encounter Optimization at Southcentral Foundation

With health care organizations under increasing pressure to reduce costs, one area that is worth examination is scheduling and logistics. Ensuring that appointments are handled as efficiently as...

Five Key Takeaways from the Nuka Conference

Each year, Southcentral Foundation hosts the Nuka Conference so that attendees from around the world can visit SCF’s campus in Anchorage, Alaska, and learn how SCF’s Nuka System of Care has improved...

Physical Therapy at Southcentral Foundation

Southcentral Foundation is more than just a primary care organization. SCF works with customer-owners to address all facets of wellness, focusing on supporting customer-owners in achieving their...

Honoring and Supporting Elders

Honoring and taking care of Elders is a universal Alaska Native and American Indian cultural value. As an Alaska Native-owned-and-operated health care organization, Southcentral Foundation strives to...

Cultural Humility Training Now Available

Understanding culture is very important in the field of health care. A person’s culture and community impacts every aspect of their health, and cultural understanding and respect is a key component...

Maternal Care at Southcentral Foundation

Health care organizations in the United States are facing a maternal mortality and morbidity crisis. Additionally, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Alaska Native and...

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Model

Substance use is a complex issue with many facets and a wide variety of approaches have been tried with varying degrees of success. Southcentral Foundation has developed an approach that differs...

The Virtual Nuka Conference

Southcentral Foundation is pleased to announce the Virtual Nuka Conference, which will be held from February 14-16, 2024. We are once again excited to connect with attendees from around the world...

About Our Budgeting Process

Budgeting is of paramount importance in a large health care system due to several critical factors. Revenue considerations play a pivotal role as health care systems rely on a unique payor mix...

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