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Nuka Health Care Innovations Conference: Learning Sessions

The Nuka Health Care Innovations Conference is fast approaching! The conference will be held on October 23 rd -24 th at the Portland Art Museum in Portland, OR. The conference will offer attendees...

Wellness Planning for High-Needs Health Care Users: A Collaborative Approach

Many health care organizations are looking for ways to better serve “high-needs” patients, i.e., patients who make a lot of visits to the health care system. At SCF, we favor a collaborative,...

Dr. Thomas Bodenheimer: Nuka Health Care Innovations Conference Keynote Speaker

On October 23rd-24th, Southcentral Foundation is hosting its first-ever health conference in Oregon, the Nuka Health Care Innovations Conference. Similar to the annual Nuka System of Care...

Nuka Healthcare Innovation Masterclasses in London

Southcentral Foundation is offering masterclasses in London on October 5 th . These masterclasses will offer participants insight into SCF’s world-renowned Nuka System of Care, which has improved...

History of Southcentral Foundation’s Traditional Healing Clinic

We previously published a blog post about SCF’s Traditional Healing Clinic services and its benefits to customer-owners . Today’s post focuses on the history of SCF’s Traditional Healing Clinic....

Upcoming Nuka Trainings Outside of Alaska

Southcentral Foundation has several upcoming Nuka trainings outside of Alaska. These trainings present an opportunity to learn about SCF’s Malcolm Baldrige Award-winning Nuka System of Care for...

Onboarding Programs that Support an Organization’s Mission and Vision

As part of our whole system transformation, Southcentral Foundation has customized and implemented an onboarding process that has several goals. The onboarding process is aimed at supporting SCF’s...

Providing High Quality Care in Remote Locations

Providing health care in rural areas can be quite challenging. Depending on the location, accessibility, high cost of living, harsh weather conditions, and/or lack of infrastructure are all factors...

Southcentral Foundation’s Operational Principles

Southcentral Foundation’s Vision: A Native Community that enjoys physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Southcentral Foundation’s Mission: Working together with the Native...

Emotional and Spiritual Aspects of Care: Traditional Healing at Southcentral Foundation

Southcentral Foundation’s vision is a Native Community that enjoys physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness. SCF works with customer-owners to ensure that all of those aspects of wellness...

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